Content Categorization for SEO. Site architecture

8:17 min video by greatscOtt
A great short video on content, on site architecture. What is a greate architecture? How many clicks to the description page? Linear architecture. Web 2.0 architecture. Pyramidal architecture.

Flickr SEO - Optimizing Your Flickr Photo Gallery

8:27 min video by Jimbenhar

Links: flickr like a website to Google

2:46 min video by radwik77
A short video on how to use to improve your visibility on the internet using photos. A video for the very beginners.

nofollow attribute links: YouTube Like a Web Page

3:24 min video by radwik77
A short video on YouTube from a linking strategy perspective. Unfortunately, he's not talking about the rel="nofollow" link attribute (from a PR perspective). Read more on rel="nofollow" attribute. A video for the very beginners.

Ranking in the first page in your city with Google Local Business Center

2:56 min video by radwik77
A short video on Local Business Center: how to subscribe? How to improve your local visibility? A video for the very beginners.

Alt or Title Tags for beginners

3.47 min video by seomistakes
alt="description, keywords" and title="description, keywords" tag for images and links

Linking strategy 2 of 4 nofollow attribute

5:02 min video by wilreynolds
How to use touchgraph for SEO? Who are your competitors? From where are coming their backlinks? From Autohority sites? How to identify authority sites on a certain topic using touchgraph? and backlinks: rel="nofollow" link attribute - read more on this link atribute:, ; Get links from authorities sites. The value of a link from an authority site. The value of directory submission. List of free directories:
Create a valuable content. Links from and their value from a link perspective. Read more on rel="nofollow" link attribute on this site.

How to get good links & avoid bad ones for your SEO efforts

a 6:13 min video by wilreynolds
How important is a link on home page? Links and the structure of a site, Develop a circular architecture

Headings tags for beginners

3:53 min
keyword tools, How to see the source code of a page? Difference between <> tag, <>tag and <> tag for search engines. This is a video for the very beginners.

The impact of sponsored link campaigns

This is a study by XiTi Monitor on the impact of sponsored link campaigns. In February 2008, 26% of all visits to a web site offering online sales were generated on average by sponsored links. Natural access remained in the lead with 62% of visits while 11% of traffic came from other types of campaigns. The same study talks about the impact of Google AdWords and Yahoo! Search Marketing platforms. Find out more about this study.

How many keywords are used to search?

According to a study made by 1ere-position, there are 22% of visitors that use 1 word, 30% that use 2 words, 24% use 3 words, 15% use 4 words, 9% use 5 words and 8% of them use 6+ words.

seo4success background - second banner

SEO cheat sheet seomoz

Here is a useful and updated SEO guide: SEO HTML tags, Search Engine Indexing Limits, Recommended Title Tag Syntax, 301 Redirect for Apache, Common Canonical Homepage Issue, Important Search Engine Robots, Robots Meta Tag, Sitemap Syntax, Common Robot Traps, Robots.txt Syntax, Headers
SEO cheat sheet (.pdf)

Google on page SEO tips and strategies from seobook

6:59 min
Here are some ideas about on site SEO factors: headings and titile page, easy to read web content, web usability, keyword tools.

Meta keywords for beginners

2:57 min
Should we pay attention to meta keywords tags? How to write and what could/ should contain this tag? How many key words can we use in this tag? Read more on meta keyword tag.

Meta description Tag for beginners

Why is important to use meta description tags? How to change a meta description tag? What could/ should contain a meta description tag? How important is it for visitors?A SEO video for the very beginners.
Read more details on meta description tags on (strategies for a good meta description, why is a meta description tag important for Google and many more) and (how to write description meta tags?).
Related post: Title tag, description tag explaned for SEO: exemples, ideas

Page title from a SEO perspective for beginners

What should contain a page title tag? How can we change the title page? How is it possible to see the source code of a page using Internet Explorer? How many characters could have a title page? Include can include a reason to click throuth. A SEO video for the very beginners.
Related post: Title tag, description tag explaned for SEO: exemples, ideas

Keyword research for beginners

Visitors can find all your pages via search engines and not only the home page.
We can use more than one keyword phrase to target for a web site.
Use different keyword related phrases.
How to use wordtracker?

Keyword research

What is the first step in a keyword research? Use a web analytics tool instread of using server logs |Use keyword tools like wordtracker, quintura, compete, google adwords or visit competing web sites to find and create keywords groups | Keyword specification using: location, prices, transactional terms, informational terms, local keywords, size, colors, styles, states of being, politics terms, religion terms | Ranking for new vs. related keywords | Use the keywords long tail

How to write SEO friendly page titles?

page title: keywords or keywords in a sentence? | description meta tag | title tag and description meta tag | rules for a good page title | call to action in page titles | title and head tags | 65 characters | personalized title tags

Images can talk with the search engines. Why and how to use alt tags?

How to name your images?

SEO Mistakes: duplicate content on index, title tags, page names

how to write page names | title tags | rel="nofollow" attribute | index.php | duplicate content on index/ home page

rel="nofollow" attribute

Title Tags for SEO

good title tags exemple | bad tags exemple | edit title tags | keyword phrases in title tag | description of a page

More on title tags: unique title tags, common title tags mistakes at frakilk, the roles of a title tag, title lenght title tags, special characters at seologic, repeat the title tag in the headline, limit lenght to 65 characters, use a divider at seomoz