Programming Lecture 4

Lecture by Professor Mehran Sahami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A).
- the compilation process;
- the java interpreter (jvm);
- superclass, subclass, heritage (19.45);
- how is java organised?
- instances of a class = object (25:05);
- acm program hierarchy (applet);
- new object (42.00);
- GLabel label = new GLabel;
- object.method (".....");
- Class diagram for the package;
- lecture slides and code;
- java tutorials on oracle website.

Programming Lecture 3

Lecture by Professor Mehran Sahami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A).

- commun errors (infinite loops, off by one bug: obob)

- comments /* ... */ and // ...

- decomposition (13:10) (top down desing, bottom up design)

- a methode (solve one problem, has 1-15 lines, good names, commets).

SEO tutorial for beginners

A 9:03 video on general techniques for search engine optimisation and the approch to use.