Improve your AdWords ClickThrough Rate

In this great video with a lot of exemples, Frank Rumbauskas - a Google-Certified AdWords Professional - begins this discussion by explaining what is Clickthrough Rate, how important is it in your AdWords account (more important than your bid price) and what is its impact on your AdWords campaign. So, watch this video to learn how to increase our clickthrough rate. It's a good idea to use my keywords in my title and content ad? How to use keyword feature? What keyword macro does?
elated post: How to increase your AdWords Quality Score?

seo4success background - banner

How to increase your AdWords Quality Score?

Here is a video regarding the Google AdWords services, a discussion about Google's slap and some ideas about how to fix this problem. What is and on what is based the Quality Score? How should look the landing page in terms of title page, meta description tag, meta keyword tag, keywords density, in order to obtain a good quality score? Why should I have more landing pages for a AdWords campaign?
Related posts: Improve your AdWords ClickThrough Rate
Ad Quality and Quality Score for beginners

Hierarchy of Optimization with Bryan Eisenberg

In this short and incomplete video, Bryan Eisenberg presents the levels of website optimization: functional level, accesible level, usable level, intuitive level and persuasive level. Which on of these is the most impactful and most difficult cu improve? At what level we should build confidence? A presentation full of web usability concepts.
Related posts: Website optimizer, what should I test?
Optimizing ecommerce product images with Bryan Eisenberg (a post regarding the persuavive level)
SEO pyramid: levels of a SEO approach

SEO for Beginners: keywords in URLs - J. Marshall second part

An interesting video for beginners about what should look the structure of an URL.

SEO for Beginners: Page Titles - J. Marshall first part

Find out how important are page titles from a SEO point of view. What is the best place to write your keywords in a title: at the beginning or...? How frequently should we use the name of our company in the title tags? Why?
Related posts: Title Tags for SEO
How to write SEO friendly page titles?
Google Search Engine Ranking Factors Survey from SEOmoz

5 What is an A/B test? How to do it? with John Marshall

According to wikipedia an A/B testing (also known as split testing) is a method of advertising testing by which a baseline control sample is compared to a variety of single-variable test samples in order to improve response rates. A classic direct mail tactic, this method has been recently adopted within the interactive space to test tactics such as banner ads, emails and landing pages.

In this great video J. Marshall discuss about the A/B test: why and how to do it for a website? Who have to decide which is the best website design: the visitors or the web designer? How to use A/B test to find out? Read more about how to effectively do an A/B free test using Google Optimizer and what we can test.
Related post: Website Optimizer, What Should I Test?

4 Web Analytics: segment your data with J. Marshall

Why is useful to segment your data? (should I?) This short video on data segmentation presents the advantages of this process. Find out how to segment data and why it is so important. Is it average strong enough to explaine the real visitor's behaviour? Read more useful exemples and details regarding web analytics data segmentation.

Is there any connection between Star Trek and data segmentation? Maybe...

Case study: Use Web Analytics to Maximize Your Website ROI - Part 2

This second video contains another interesting case study about a B2B website. The issue was that the paid search marketing program generated only a few costly leads. What was their approach for this problem and… what were the results? There is a diagram with all the important indicators for a better understanding: impressions, clicks, CPC, total cost, conversions, conversion rate, total conversions with their values before and after the improving program. What was the conversion rate before and after the analysis?
Related post: Case study: Use Web Analytics to Maximize Your Website ROI - Part 1

Case study: Use Web Analytics to Maximize Your Website ROI - Part 1

This interesting video contains a case study (B2C) regarding the improvement of ROI (return of investment) on internet marketing spend using web analytics. How to translate the business goals into website goals? What is the process? What are the steps? In this first case study the issue is (a B2C ecommerce website) how to reduce the cost-per-transaction and not about how to generate traffic. Their first approach was to segment the marketing channels and the traffic sources. What were their next steps? What were the results? How looks the graphs of this process at the end of which the average cost per transaction was reduced for 5 times?
Next video contains a B2B case study.

What Is The Marketing Value of Blogs?

Here is another interesting interview about blogging. In this video Ralph Wilson is talking with Amanda Wattlington about blogs in general and about how and why to include a blog in your marketing mix. One of the main advantages is the interaction of our costumers with our company and then the availability of a informal face of the brand. What are the needed steps to use blogging as a part of marketing mix is another interesant question. Watch this video to find out more. Read more ideas to improve your marketing blog.

3 Funnel Analysis with Web Analytics

In this great 3:16 min video we find out what is a funnel analysis (a stage by stage view of visitors) for a website. How could we use funnel model to reduce the abandonment from each stage (or to increase the number of conversions)? What group of visitors (source, keywords, campaings) converts better? Which pages on a specific website convert? Which not?
Read more about funnel analysis and see useful examples.

Find out how to use funnel analysis to improve your website using Google Analytics (4 steps to site optimisation).

The Power of Bounce Rate with Avinash Kaushik

A great video about bounce rate: what does it mean? How to read this metric? A high bounce rate could mean that the structure, the content of that page is not appropriate? How did the visitors enter on that page? There is any connection between a specific keyword (used by visitors to find my website) and the content of that page? Read how to improve your bounce rate.

Web 2.0 Analytics: How to Measure Social Media? with Jim Sterne

by SESConferenceExpo (2:16)
What are the main indicators in web 2.0 analytics? This is a great video with Jim Sterne who talks about 4 indicators: behavior on my website, business outcomes, attitude in my website and attitude in the blogosphere. What are the questions to ask regarding my website impact? How to measure the social media impact?
How should be a website using the statements of Steve Krug (Don't make me think! a book about human computer interaction and web usability) and Bryan Eisenberg, John Quarto-vonTivadar, Lisa T. Davis (Always be testing a guide to Google Web Optimizer) ? Enjoy this video!

What is Web 2.0? Content? Community? Tools?

A great video about web 2.0. A video with the definition of web 2.0 made by more than 10 top internet personalities: Tony Perkins, Scott Milener, Aaron Cohen, Tim O'Reilly, ... Shortly, web 2.0 is: search, tools or applications, content, community, value added by users,

2 Introduction to Web Analytics - John Marshall

by InteractiveAlex (2:30)
This time John Marshall talks about the difference between web stats and web analytics. Enjoy.
Related posts: Introduction to Google Analytics and web analytics
Web Analytics as a Career

1 Why analyse your website? - John Marshall

by InteractiveAlex (2:37)
Here is a short and interesting video with John Marshall who worked for What is the purpose of web analytics? Any site could be improved. A great video for those who want to understand the necessity of using web analytics for their websites. Watch more videos with John Marshall on this blog.

Why web analytics are important?

Here is a short presentation of web analytics advantages. Why we need to use web analytics for our web site?
Related posts: Introduction to Web Analytics - John Marshall
The power of web analytics with Avinash Kaushik

Web Analytics as a Career

by WAAWebmanager (2:10)
How is a career in web analytics field? How are the people that work in this field? and... many more.